Welcome to the Road Knights MC Site
Webshop Update.
In the upcoming days we will add some bracelets on our shop, these are handmade bij our Support Member Paul Idema.
Family day with Ravenhead MC
Road Trip
Raven head MC Germany

Road Trip to MC Road Knights Saarland.
First club ride 2022.
The day started with a breakfast that the Road Knights Nomad charter profided, and some much needed coffee.
At 11:00 we drove off and we enjoyed the ride. We stopped at a gas station to say goodbye to our guests Road Knights Saarland and our brothers from Ravenhead MC.
After that we went on our way and through some windy parts made it to Schagen where our brothers of Northmen MTC had set up a barbeque at their clubhouse.
Road Knights MC Netherlands is thanking all who where there and we will see you soon!
Party time!
A small party before the opening ride with good friends Ravenhead MC, Northman MTC and new found friends Road Knights MC Saarland.